Thursday, March 5, 2020

Four Tips to Write a Better College Entrance Essay

Four Tips to Write a Better College Entrance Essay Fullerton College Admissions Consultant Tips: Four Tips to Write a Better College Entrance Essay Fullerton College Admissions Consultant Tips: Four Tips to Write a Better College Entrance Essay For many high school students, it’s time to start writing your college entrance essays. Most Universities require some form of an essay to apply. Some colleges offer a prompt while others ask why you want to attend their school. No matter what the task is, students should take their time and get to work on their essays as early as possible. To help you along the way, one of our experienced Fullerton college admissions consultants has shared four tips to write better entrance essays. 1. Write More Than One Draft No matter how great of a writer you think you are, you won’t get it perfect in the first draft. For many, writing is a chore, so once you finish an essay the last thing you want to do is write it again. We understand, but keep in mind that what you write might not be as clear once you sleep on it and reread it in the morning. Luckily the second draft will won’t take as long, and you’ll be encouraged as you see progress with each new draft. It will all be worth it once you get into the college of your dreams! 2. Get Help from a Fullerton Tutor Our private Fullerton college admissions consultants have a 97% success rate. In other words, they know what they are doing. Not only will they give you feedback on your essays, but they will provide you with tips and tricks for success before you even begin writing (READ: Four Ways to Come Up With a Great Thesis Statement). 3. Have More Than One Person Read Your Essay You need more than a second opinion. Keep in mind that you’ve been working on this essay for weeks, so your brain might be a bit scrambled making sentences and words appear correct when they are in fact incorrect. Having three or four people read (please chose your peer reviewers wisely) will make sure you aren’t missing any glaring mistakes. Also, have them explain to you what you were trying to say. If what they tell you isn’t what you meant to write, find out which parts are ambiguous or incorrect and write another draft. 4. Write Clear and Concise Sentences When writing, it is always important to have your audience in mind. In this case, you’ll be writing for highly educated entrance officials who have to read a lot of essays. Remember this: using big words and long sentences wont make you look smart. Does that make sense? In other words, if you’re overusing the thesaurus and constructing wordy sentences, you’re going to come off as a bad writer, not an intellectual. For an essay such as this, write clearly and concisely. If a sentence isn’t as clear as possible, rewrite it so that it is. For example, which sentence reads more clearly? I am adroit at the intricacies of higher education and fully plan on perpetuating the given tasks the university assigns me. Or I look forward to taking on the challenges of higher education If it’s not clear to you, it won’t be apparent to the reader. Keep it simple. Starting your college entrance essays soon? Book a private Fullerton tutor today. Members of the TutorNerds team and our private tutors write every blog post. If you have any questions about our blog, please email us at

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